Even though these plants could have gotten a little bit larger, I decided to go ahead and harvest them anyway. I mean what can I say, I was anxious. Well there's that and the fact that I found a chicken IN MY GREENHOUSE this morning. She must have snuck in at night, and got stuck there. Chicken bliss I'd say. Fortunately the damage was minimal, but because these two plants were pushed over I decided to pull them.
Surprisingly, that wasn't the strangest thing that happened this morning. You see generally I don't go looking for a missing chicken. But I found one of the girls on top of the hen house.

Besides wondering how in the heck she got up there, I wondered, why? My next thought was, maybe she got scared up there, and then I started wondering if the chickens got attacked. This prompted me to do a head count, and sure enough we were short one. Well after some searching I found her where I said, in my greenhouse, just chillin'.

Anyway, back to the lettuce. It seems my experiment has been successful. Which is surprising, I've grown lettuce in low light conditions before and it didn't work too well. That and my greenhouse has gotten no supplemental heat, and these plants have survived the entire winter. But you probably wouldn't even notice, they look as good as the lettuce in the produce section at the store. Except I know they'll taste better.
I also have a video of everything in my greenhouse, feel free to check it out.
Now I'm off to make a salad.
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